

General knowledge outcomes:

1. Mastering all levels of Arabic linguistics such as phonology, morphology, grammar and semantics.

2. Controlling the critical curricula and literary phenomena.

3. Examining linguistic and literary works

Cognitive skills:

1. Being familiar with the problems of language and literature among language researchers.

2. Modern interpretation of the texts of linguistic and literary creativity.

3. Examination of language and literature and studying it according to the known levels.

4. The link between the literary text and its external surroundings, or what is called the context of the external text.

Practical or professional skills:

1. Writing literary texts according to standards and levels.

2. Adjusting the poetic text and cutting it according to prosody.

3. Checking texts and revealing grammatical and spelling problems in them.

4. Creative writing that expresses self and community issues.

5. Mastering the art of public speaking.

6. Using scientific research tools in the scientific writing of the Arabic language researcher.

7. Recognizing the methods of dealing with the linguistic lexicon.

General skills:

1. Practicing writing and speaking in classical Arabic.

2. Writing literary articles in a rhetoric language.

3. Diversification of learning resources and assessment methods.