Name : جنان عبدالله شفيق توفيق

Email : [email protected]

Branch : Baghdad

College : College of Arts

Department : English

General Specialty : No General Specialty

Specialty : No Specialization

Scientific Titles: Assistant Professor

Position : Department Chairperson

- Links -

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- Certificates -
  1. اللغة الانكليزية - الرواية الانكليزية - جامعة بغداد - العراق - دكتوراه - 2018
  2. اللغة الانكليزية - الادب الانكليزي - جامعه بغداد - العراق - ماجستير - 2006
  3. اللغه الانكليزية - اللغة الانكليزية - جامعه بغداد - العراق - بكلوريوس - 1994

- Published Research -
  1. The Technique of the Frame Tale: A Study in the Short Stories of H.H. Munro (Saki) - 2021
  2. Sexual Abuse and Self-Reconstruction: A Psychological Study Allison's Bastard Out of Carolina and Edmund White's A Boy's Own Story - 2021
  3. Theme of Betrayal: A Study in Selected Plays by William Shakespeare - 2020
  4. The Search for Identity between Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake & Sherman Alexie's Reservation Blues: A comparative Study - 2019
  5. Innovative Trends and Modern Methods in English Language Teaching - 2019

- Authored Books -

No books

- Conferences -
  1. 9. Participated in Al Nisour’s Univeristy College First Scientific Conference with a paper entitled “Problems and Solutions in Teaching English Literature for Non-Native Students” - 2017
  2. 12. Participated in the 12th International Conference on Language, Culture and Education,2018. In Antalya/ Turkey. - 2018
  3. 14. Participated in Al Iraqia University College Scientific Conference with a paper entitled: “Innovative Trends & Modern Methods in English Language Teaching” - 2019
  4. A Certificate of Attendance of the 1st International Conference of Teaching English & Translation in the 21st Century: “Shifting Needs and Newest Trends”, - 2021
  5. Participated in an International workshop entitled “Language, Literature & Education” - 2021

- Previous Positions -
  1. محاضرة في كلية التربيه والاداب بلقسام الانكليزي / جامعه دهوك - جامعة دهوك - 2011
  2. محاضرة في كلية المأمون / قسم اللغة الانكليزيه - كلية المأمون الجامعه - 2015
  3. محاضرة في كلية اللغات - جامعه بغداد / كلية اللغات - 2013
  4. محاضرة في مدرسة بغداد الدولية - بغداد - 1995