
  • Enhance and improve teaching in the field of political science, stimulate scientific research and analysis, and participate in research centers in areas such as political thought, international relations, political systems, human rights, and crisis analysis, especially those affecting the country and its future, and contribute to deepening their understanding of political issues and enhancing their research capabilities, which is an important asset in both public and private sectors.
  • Build bridges of communication between the department and civil institutions through events such as conferences and workshops.
  • Enhance relations with political decision-making bodies, including legislative, executive, and judicial authorities.
  • Engage with global issues: The department aims to broaden students' understanding of global political issues and their impact on local policies.
  • Develop analytical and research skills and encourage intellectual debates: The department focuses on enhancing students' analytical and research abilities to understand contemporary issues and political phenomena through seminars and discussion forums.
  • Focus on human rights and civil liberties: Enhancing students' understanding of human rights and civil liberties as a fundamental part of political science.
  • Respond to local challenges: Direct research and studies to address the political and social challenges facing the country.
  • Encourage continuous learning: Provide opportunities for continuing education and professional development for graduates in the field of political science, and promote partnerships with international universities and institutions for knowledge and experience exchange.
  • Prepare for the public sector: The department aims to equip graduates with the knowledge and skills necessary to hold positions in the public sector, including training in understanding governmental processes, public policies, and government affairs management. The department also focuses on developing skills in political analysis and the ability to predict and deal with political and social challenges.
  • Prepare for the private sector: The department seeks to prepare students for work in the private sector, focusing on developing skills such as critical analysis, effective communication, and strategic thinking. The department teaches students how to apply political knowledge in contexts such as international relations, political consulting, and situation and crisis analysis.
  • Practical training and industry connection: The department offers opportunities for hands-on training and field internships to familiarize students with the real work environment, including collaboration with governmental institutions and private companies to provide practical experiences that enhance students' readiness for the job market.
  • Develop professional skills: The department focuses on developing students' professional skills such as leadership, team management, negotiation, and conflict resolution. These skills are essential for success in any role that involves dealing with political or governmental affairs.

All these objectives aim to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to become effective leaders capable of assuming leadership positions in the future and contributing positively to their communities and on the international stage. Through these objectives, the department ensures that students are qualified not only as specialists in political science but also as professionals capable of effectively contributing to various sectors and facing political and social challenges.